


weekly worship

The church is an outpost of heaven on earth, and nowhere is this more evident than in its worship. So, even on the road with Jesus, we taste home each Lord’s Day in the worship gathering, as we feed on Christ through His preached word, the sacraments, fellowship, and prayer. (Matthew 11:28–29). We invite you to join us on the journey.

Join us on Sunday.



The Dallas Children’s Theater
5938 Skillman St, Dallas, TX 75231


Our worship service

We believe Christ has promised to build the church through his ordinary means of grace: word, sacraments, and prayer. These ordinary means shape all that we do.



The Word of God contained in the Scriptures informs every element of our worship. We preach exegetically from the Scriptures, seeking to bring God’s timeless word to bear in our place and time.


We sing psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs (Colossians 3:16) each week, so that we might worship our Lord and declare to one another the glorious truths of the gospel in song.


The Scriptures commend public prayer for all people (1 Timothy 2), and particular prayer for the household of faith by the elders (James 5). Prayer is also meant to be a regular rhythm in the life of the gathered church, and we express this in several ways through our weekly worship.


The sacraments (baptism & the Lord’s Supper) are mile markers and rest stops along the road of discipleship. They orient us to our place in God’s family, and they provide us with the nourishment we need for the journey. Through his ‘visible words,’ Christ communicates to us the benefits of redemption found in him alone. We believe Christ is spiritually present in the sacraments, and so we observe them with reverence and hopeful regularity, knowing he promises to meet us in these ways until he returns.

What to expect


We worship at the Dallas Children’s Theater (DCT). There is ample space for parking and easy access for young and old alike. DCT has been a hospitable and good Sunday morning home for us for many years.


NSP offers Worship Training classes for the duration of the worship service for children 0-24 months and 2-3 years old. A worship training class is offered during the sermon for children 4-5 years old. Please check in your child on Sunday morning by coming to the check-in table (to the left of the auditorium).


We celebrate the Lord’s Supper every week by coming forward as families to enjoy communion together. We welcome anyone to the table who has been baptized and publicly professed his or her faith in Jesus Christ by means of membership in a local church.


We have a casual, but reverent atmosphere. We engage in formal liturgy, and sing new and old songs of various styles. Most people dress casually.  

Sermon Podcast

Recent sermons are listed below by date (most recent first). You can also find us on iTunes or in the Podcast App, search for New St. Peter’s Presbyterian Church. You will also find the recordings of most all NSP sermons since September of 2009 right here on Buzzsprout.

Psalms, Hymns, & Spiritual Songs

This playlist—curated by our Music Team Leader, Brian Franklin—brings together many of the songs we sing together at New St. Peter’s. Think of it as NSP’s digital hymnal to carry with you and sing along with throughout the week.