Serve at NSP
Our Sunday morning service teams are divided into Crews that serve once every eight weeks. Each Crew is made of four main teams: Worship Training, Setup/Ushers, Communion/Greeters, and Sound. Find your Crew’s 2024 roster and service rotation below.
To find a sub…
1 . Contact someone in your team from another Crew to make a swap
2. Contact your team leader to notify of them
3. RSVP to your new schedule through Church Center.
Worship Training
Our goal is to prepare our children in Worship Training to enter into the “big” Worship Service with their parents, better able to listen and engage with the liturgy as they grow in maturity. In Worship Training, leaders guide the children in singing, prayer, a simple liturgy, and a curriculum lesson with age-appropriate activities.
This team helps prepare and organize our space for both Christian education classes (SOLD) and corporate worship. They also help direct the congregation during the celebration of Communion.
This group prepares the Communion elements each week prior to the service and welcomes congregants as they come for worship.
The Sound Team is responsible for setting up the sound system prior to the music rehearsal, running the sound board, and packing up after the service.