



Alex Dean

Lead pastor


Stephen Buerger

Director of Community & Outreach


Jan James

Office Administrator


Brittanie Brandenburg

Director of Children’s Ministry


Parker Clemmons

pastoral intern


Alex McEwen

pastoral intern



In addition to our pastors, the Ruling Elders make up the session of NSP. These men meet on the first Wednesday evening of each month for Bible study, prayer, and shepherding of the congregation.

Brian Franklin
Jay Horne
Jeff Murray
Blake Phillips
Jim Pocta
Mark Ratliff
David Rice
Rodman Ricketts


The Deacons meet on the second Tuesday evening of each month to discuss how to care for the physical needs of the congregation and those close to it. They oversee and administer our monthly alms collection as well as much of our hospital visitation ministry. (*on sabbatical)

Steve Adams
Steve Brown*
Steve Chambers*
Grant Clay
Jonathan Goetsch
Sam Hall
Ben Hillman
Andrew Luter
Evan Opgenorth
Jano Pretorius
Robert Waterman

Women’s Leadership Team

The Women’s Leadership Team (WLT) provides help to the deacons and sensitive wisdom for the elders in matters of ministry. The godly maturity, gospel wisdom, and gifts of these women are recognized by our church as God-given leadership for service in the body of Christ. This team meets for discussion and prayer, and serves our church as a “point-group” for all matters of women’s care and ministry. You can learn more about our women’s ministry here.

Sheryl Brown
Linda Pocta
Arleen Ratliff
Denise Walker