School of Life & Doctrine



School of Life & Doctrine (SOLD) is our Christian education ministry for all ages, hosted on Sunday mornings at the Dallas Children’s Theater, including classes for kids, youth, and adults.

Spring 2025

9-9:50am (Jan 19 – May 18)


• Westminster Confession •
What happened at the fall of Adam and Eve? What is the difference between justification and sanctification? This class will walk through the confession our church and denomination ascribe to, the Westminster Confession, a carefully written summary of core biblical doctrine. Topics include the doctrines of God, Scripture, sin, salvation, and more.



• Faith & Work •
How does your work fit into God’s story of redemption and renewal? We will use Tim Keller’s “Every Good Endeavor” as a helpful foundation for discussing calling and vocation for God’s people.



• Ten Commandments •
This semester, we will explore the Ten Commandments and their practical applications in 21st century life. Together, we will examine what it means to love the Lord our God with all our hearts and to love our neighbors as ourselves within the context of the communities and schools we engage with every day.


• Church History •
This class will be learning about Church History and how it relates to our story now. The children will engage the content through lessons, memorization, activities, and discussion.



• Gospel Story Bible •
Our younger elementary students will spend their year going through the Gospel Story Bible curriculum with a focus on the New Testament. Children will engage the content through Bible study, activities, crafts, and memory work.


• Jesus Storybook Bible •
This class will be going through the Jesus Storybook Bible, reading stories from the Old Testament. Our time together will include playtime, singing, a Bible lesson, craft, and Bible memory work.


• Beginners Gospel Story Bible •
This class will have a lesson each week from the Beginners Gospel Story Bible on the New Testament. Children will spend their time in class reading through a Bible story, participating in music time, crafts, and playtime together.

(0-23 MONTHS)

Our goal in this room is to provide a safe place for your child to play while you attend the adult classes. The children will read through Sally Lloyd Jones board books filled with truth and joy and sing worship songs together this semester. We will have music, toys, and books to occupy our little ones.